Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Greeting from Zadar of the coast of Croatia!

Earlier this year Rick Larkin, the Director of Emergency Management in St. Paul, Minnesota, invited a group of MN EMS professionals to be part of a professional EMS exchange in the county of Zadar in Crotia. We are very grateful to our generous Croatian hosts who will help us better understand the EMS system in this beautiful country on the Adriatic Sea. Our team includes:
Rick Larkin and Al Glass from St. Paul Emergency Management
Dr. R J Frascone, Dr. Arron Burnett, and Pat McCauley from Regions EMS
Chiefs Tim Butler, and Matt Simpson from St. Paul Fire Department
Dr. Paul Saterlee, Kevin Miller, and Brian LaCroix from Allina Health EMS

Over the next two weeks or so we will share our experience on this blog site. Thanks, we hope we enjoy!

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